Losing 50 Pounds and Keeping it Off

Free Tips to Lose Weight Fast - Here are six healthy eating benefits that will persuade you to start eating a balanced diet today. Navigate through our Website to Find out Some Sneaky Way to Lose Weight Fast.
Shira at age 25, 175 pounds
Shira at age 45, 125 pounds
When Shira was 25 years old she weighed 175 pounds and felt she was about 50 pounds overweight given her height of 5'4".

She went on to lose the weight starting from the inside out through jornaling, positive self-talk and visualization in addition to lots of exercise and eating better.

What is doubly wonderful about her story is that she has successfully maintained this weight loss for twenty years. At age 45 she still weighs 125.

Check out her website at The Lighter Perspective. Congrats Shira!-In this page you will find more than 10 ways to help you start eating a balanced diet today…Secrets of Healthy Eating - How to Lose Weight Fast: Free Tips and Tricks - Discover a Fast and Natural Way to Lose Weight.

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